Saturday, June 2, 2012

Disney Little Mermaid Sea Weed

Painted sea weed drying at the shop in Los Angeles waiting to be shipped to Tokyo.

The Hunted Rubber Rocks

Film still from "The Hunted" with the actors on the rubber rocks.

"The Hunted" Rubber Rocks

More rubber rocks. The whole area where you see "rock" was cast by the props department
and layed down over the real rocks and painted by the art department, which had me painting
under a tarp in the rain with heaters. Yea!

Rubber Rocks

Here I am painting a giant rubber rock wrapped around a real rock for the Film the "Hunted"
There was going to be a fight scene and they wanted the actors to be safe.

Sci-Fi Channel Miniature

This miniature I did while working for Grant Glover at Prop Works.
 He was one of those guys that knew EVERYTHING!
It was for the Sci-Fi Channel

Happy Spray Paint

Two of my designs for a Happy Spray Paint character.

Giant Pug!

My pug Poppy getting ready to rampage through my miniature suburbia models.

Tattooed Gorilla....yep

Painting of a tattooed gorilla I did for my friends Matt and Rebecca.

Miniature Building

Here is a miniature I did looking into a shop being wall papered. Love the 3 inch tall ladder!

True Geek!

Every geek sculptors' task is to do a Peter Cushing in Star Wars. Check!

More Invincible Sets

Vacuum formed blocks before painting. "Invincible" locker room doctors set.

Vacuum Formed Cinder Block

I painted the plasic sheets of cinder block for the film Invincible.... you ARE looking at the blocks behind those actors right?

Pit Droids!

Spot filling the solid plastic dome on the Pit Droid.

Battle Droids!

I was in the mold making and casting department for these. The paint department did an amazing job!

Battle Droids!

Waiting for shipping at Dillon Works for Lucas Arts.

Pit Droids!

Finished Pit Droids in the Dillon Works loading dock.


Injection molding the Pit Droids. You can see Pit Droid bodies behind me. Lucas Arts and Dillon Works.


Here I am grinding fiberglass on the Battle Droid for Lucas Arts and Dillon Works, some of the coolest people ever!